HL and SL IB
Links to: Videos and Lesson Slides
Documents (examined from 2025)

Useful Wesbites:
Nail IB - Practice past paper questions (produces practice exams by topics and papers)
IB Dead - Really useful, downloadable, IB notes (have math and biology too)
Get revising - You can make useful online revision materials, timetables, etc.
Prep Scholar - IB SL+HL Study Guide and Notes
IB Alchemy - IB Notes (similar to Bio Ninja)
Chem Libretexts - Great to read around the subject, or if trying to understand a topic in more detail
IB Chemistry (Ellesmere College) - Notes, videos and questions.
Past Papers - Exactly what it says, past papers
Pestle - Past Papers by subtopic e.g. stoichiometry.
IB Documents - Past papers and by topic to download as large zip file.
Study Nova - Free IB Chemistry online revision course
Papa Cambridge - Past papers for all IB subjects
Revision Village - Revision and past papers
IBChemistree - Revision notes
Get revising - You can make useful online revision materials, timetables, etc.